Best Google Advertising Agency | Ads services | Viral Bulls

Google Ads
Facebook Ads

Your search for an ad agency has come to an end

  • Over 8% of click-through rate for Google Ads
  • 180 million impressions are generated by display ads
  • 65 percent of clicks from Ready to buy individuals
google advertising agency

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and research

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Conversion Rates


Client Retention
Rate: 96%


Why choose ViralBulls?

Free audit

We may give expert audits that are completely free and without obligation.

Weekly updates

In terms of weekly reporting, we provide total detail and openness.

All industries are represented.

We've worked in practically every industry and have a wealth of experience.

Google partner

Pioneers in PPC management with years of Google AdWords experience.

No long-term agreements

If you want us to continue working for you next month, we work on a non-contract basis.

200+ reviews

We have hundreds of customer testimonials and case studies.

google ads management services

What we do in Google Ads

PPC Planning

Strategy determines whether a campaign succeeds or fails. For each of your campaigns, we employ the appropriate planning and resource allocation.

Conversion Focused

We create PPC ads that outperform the competition and produce the highest number of conversions.

ROI Measurements

PPC analytics are crucial, but our major focus is on providing ROI, not just impressions and clicks.

What we do in Facebook Ads

Audience Targeting

We create unique Facebook audiences for you based on demographics that match your intended target market.

Ad Creation

To meet your objectives, we deploy innovative ad types. Carousel commercials, for example, can be extremely effective at displaying a variety of products in a single ad.

Ad Placements

Depending on your sector and business goals, we can post advertising manually or automatically. Also, consider displaying advertisements on mobile, desktop, or only one device.

Google PPC agency

ViralBull's Facebook Ads and Google Ads Services

Facebook ads and Google ads specialist

With many years of hands-on experience, we are masters in managing Facebook ads and Google ads.

Grow brand awareness

We launch programmes to assist you reach your business objectives by increasing brand recognition.

Expansion into new markets

We can assist you in expanding your Facebook or Google advertising into new locations and audiences.

No time restrictions

We don't have 'set hours,' so we'll work as long as it takes to keep your account running well.

Monthly goal setting

Each month, we set a clear set of objectives and discuss our strategy for achieving them with you.

Campaign's Objective

What are your objectives for your campaign? Is it brand recognition, lead generation, sales, or something else entirely? Knowing the answer to this question can already point you us in the right way for designing the campaign.


Certain platforms are more appropriate for certain stages of the buyer's journey. We determine which platform best suits your brand's needs and assist you in achieving the greatest outcomes.


This competitive intelligence may identify possible opportunities as well as provide insight into your competitors' strategies. We make certain to consider the information and present you with the greatest possible revenue.

ViralBull's Facebook Ads and Google Ads Services


We position your brand among prominent brands and influencers in Facebook and Google searches by using unique and relevant keywords.

Competition analysis

Ad Sense and Double Clicking advertising networks on display networks have a new approach to banner adverts.


An ideal landing page for users that arrive on your website via paid advertisements, with the goal of converting them into sales.


Through A/B Testing, provide a creative advertising message that is analysed and tested to achieve maximum conversion.

Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads: What's the Difference?

Facebook Ads is a paid social media advertising platform, whereas Google Ads is a search and display advertising platform. While they both run pay-per-click (PPC) adverts, they do so through various channels and frequently target individuals at different stages of the buying process.

Facebook Ads

On the basis of their interests and online behavior, Facebook ads are shown to a target market.

People who saw the Facebook ads may or may not be interested in purchasing.

Assist clients in finding new opportunities.

Facebook Ads rely heavily on creatives and videos.

Google Ads

The Google ad appears when a user from the target market searches for relevant terms.

People who are looking to buy are displayed Google ads.

Businesses can use Google ads to find new clients.

Text-based advertisement.

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We Love To Build Brands Give Us A Ring!

We have a great business connection with viral bulls. We had worked with several other marketing companies in the past who didn't deliver results and I'm happy to say Viral Bulls is doing that for us. They help to bring our vision to life in a way that makes sense.

Pooja Chauhan

Director Marketer - URG Group

From implementing unique and latest techniques to appraising me at each step, they did wonders. Because of ViralBulls my business has touched new heights. I would highly recommend ViralBulls to each one out there. If you wish to expand your business multifolds without much hassle, then ViralBulls is the one stop solution for you!

Ayush Gupta

CEO - Sea Packaging

Their attentive, hands-on approach has made a real difference and we have seen growth across the board. If you want to take your Digital Marketing to the next level, talk to the experts in ViralBulls.

Yogita Galhotra

Marketing Head - Kaleva

Don't Let The Learning Stop with Viralbulls

Frequently asked questions

Get all your questions answered here.

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+  Are Google and Facebook ads connected?

People see your Facebook ad and instead of clicking it, they Google it to learn more about what you have to offer. While Facebook Ads aid in brand awareness and social acceptance, Google Ads aid in reaching out to targeted audiences and completing purchases.

+  Is Google Ads cheaper than Facebook?

Ads on Facebook are a little less expensive than Google Ads. A company in the garment market may only have to pay $0.45 per click on Facebook. Insurance and banking are the most expensive sorts of businesses to advertise on Facebook. The average cost per click for them is still $3.77.

+  Is Google Ads worth the money?

Is it Worth It to Advertise on Google? Absolutely. Google Ads are worthwhile because they allow businesses of all sizes to reach a virtually limitless, focused audience at a low cost. They’re very adaptable, allowing you to start, stop, pause, or even change your bids at any time.

+  How successful are Google Ads?

The efficiency of Adwords has been widely recognised in recent years, resulting in a significant surge in Google Ads popularity. Indeed, the advertising platform now accounts for the majority of Google’s annual revenue, with a total of $116.3 billion in 2018.

+  Are Facebook ads pay per click?

Let’s start from the beginning. Facebook is a pay-per-click marketing channel. This means that you’ll be paying every time someone clicks on your ads. You can also be charged based on ad impressions, video views, and other metrics.

+  How do Facebook and Google ads work?

For facebook
You can run your ads on facebook through facebook ads.
Facebook shoes your ads to pther facebook users worldwide according to your targeted audience

Google Ads
Through google ads/adwords you can show your ads on other targeted website who are using google adsense on their websites and you can also run your banner and videos ads over youtube as well because its google product.

+  How can Facebook ads compete with Google ads?

We don’t believe it’s so much that Facebook is competing with Google advertisements as it is combining the two to increase conversion rates. The Facebook audience is typically passive, with their experience being disrupted by your ad. People who are actively searching for you on Google, on the other hand, are more willing to spend and actively engage with your brand and conversion experience.

+  Which ads convert more, Facebook or Google?

Google consistently produces a greater conversion rate. You already know that Google visitors are at the bottom of the funnel.
People who search for a product or service online already have some fundamental information and are looking for it because they require it.
The best quality traffic on the planet is Google search traffic!
However, if you’re talking about Display Ads / Banner Ads, the answer is that it depends. In some circumstances, Facebook comes out on top.

+  Google Ads vs Facebook Ads: which ad network to choose?

Ads on Google vs. Ads on Facebook
Clients frequently ask which platform is better for advertising: Facebook or Google. However, they should not be viewed as competitors because they complement each other. With over 5 billion daily Google searches and nearly 2 billion daily active Facebook users, it’s easy to see why businesses want to advertise on these sites.
Google advertisements are classified as paid search, whereas Facebook ads are classified as paid social.
Now for a quick overview of these two sorts of advertising. Google advertising are centred on keywords and employ certain words and phrases, and each CPC and term has a fee attached with it. Unlike Facebook, though, you are only charged when the service is used.

+  Which has a better ROI, Google AdSense or Facebook Ads?

Google advertisements are preferable to Facebook ads. Even after selecting the country you wish to promote, Facebook ads are largely seen to people in your city… However, anyone who visits a site with a global audience will see Google advertisements… If your product is only relevant to your city, use Facebook advertisements; if it is relevant to the entire country, use Google ads.

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