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You should select WordPress SEO as the CMS for your website because it is SEO-friendly (content management system software). This does not imply that simply building a website in WordPress would automatically elevate it to the top of the search results.

You’ll still need to be proficient in the right SEO tactics and methods, as well as how to implement them. WordPress, on the other hand, makes it simple to do this and increases Google traffic for new users.

Several components of the software adhere to SEO best practices to make things simple.

One of the most well-known content management systems is WordPress. It controls nearly 35% of the entire internet. It has a lot of promise and is one of the websites you visit frequently. The Rolling Stones, BBC America,, and TechCrunch are among them.

In 2003, WordPress launched its site strategy. Yet, maintaining every website in 2020 becomes more important and adaptable. It is also a viable e-commerce option.

WordPress is straightforward to use, even for website beginners. The platform’s setup is beautiful and it is open-source. We can get the conclusion that it is important and adaptable.

Several WordPress blogs throughout the world receive tens of thousands of viewers or views because of SEO.

To rank your website, you don’t need to be an SEO expert or spend a lot of time learning the trade.

These short WordPress SEO methods are necessary to improve your website’s rating in a matter of weeks.

Boost the speed of your WordPress site.

For several reasons, your site’s speed is a crucial consideration. People will often leave your site and go somewhere else if it takes more than three seconds to load, which is bad for you.

Google values this component as well. Contrary to popular belief, we must understand that Google penalizes slow websites while rewarding quick websites. Hence, if your site is slow, increasing its speed can help you avoid penalties and improve your results.

With a program like Pingdom, you may evaluate or inspect the speed of your website. but using Google Analytics to check your site’s speed is more accurate.

Navigate to Behavior Site Speed Overview in Google Analytics to check the site’s speed.

Don’t panic if you see a large number; it’s likely to be high. The time it takes for everything on the page to load, including backend code, is what matters, not how long it takes for the content above the fold to load (which is what most of your visitors worry about).

Here are two fast techniques to increase the speed of your WordPress site in under 10 minutes:

  1. Install and configure a well-known caching plugin.
  2. Any large picture files on your website should be compressed and reuploaded.
  3. Find a better hosting company.

Now, if you have a lot of photographs, #2 can take a while to complete. Nonetheless, it’s among the greatest and simplest methods for speeding up your website for improved search rankings.

When you follow these instructions, you should notice a noticeable improvement when you check your site’s speed on Pingdom again. If not, you might need to work with a developer to solve the more difficult speed problems.

Make your WordPress site mobile-friendly

Instead of utilising desktop computers to browse the internet, the majority of users utilise their mobile phones. Mobile devices are increasingly being used to find information about consumer needs. Nowadays, mobile phones have improved surfing capabilities by adding tools like voice search, etc.

Google is also aware of this. As a result, it rewards mobile-friendly and effective sites with high rankings.

This leads us to the conclusion that Google wanted to give users the greatest possible experience.

See how the image was centred to prevent the text from being forced to the left of the image. makes it a lot less ugly and much simpler to read!

Using a WordPress theme that is mobile-friendly is the simplest approach to making your website mobile-friendly.

The “TWENTY TWENTY” theme is the one that comes installed with WordPress by default. So it’s unlikely that you’ll use that theme. There are thousands of free themes available, and even more, are available as premium themes.

You should choose carefully because you might choose something that isn’t mobile- and SEO-friendly in the end.

Get rid of and reroute any thin content.

Any webpage on your website with material that is less than 300 words long is considered to have thin content and does not provide the reader with any clear information.

Your page’s scant content does not result in any welfare or enjoyment. This is the reason why we want to remove the flimsy stuff. Let’s pretend your website is a farm and that SEO is “water” for Google. For your farm, you need water (SEO water) (your site). If you irrigate your useless farm, all you are doing is watering useless, lifeless plants. To advance, you need Google’s SEO water to flow in the appropriate directions. Thus, eliminate the underweighted material instead of maintaining it so that plants that are currently performing well can get water so they can get even better.

Verify that every image has an alt attribute.

You should be aware that 10.1% of all Google search traffic comes from picture searches.

The simple solution is to include alt text for the photos you include in your content to increase traffic to your website or online pages. You should be aware that since Google uses alt text to control a page’s content, it can help you rank for non-image searches as well.

Discover all the images or photos on your website without alt text by using the Screaming Frog tool. Although not all of them are displayed in the free version, better chunks are.

Examine the internal linkages and site architecture.

The navigation on your website is essential to SEO. Because they are substantially linked to every page on your site, Google provides those pages in your navigation with the highest ranking control and expertise.

Recall the analogy to farming. To put it another way, adding the internal connections to the main pages is like adding another stream of water to that farm. Here, we should be aware that the more links to your site, the better it will be.

Make sure your website’s navigation is clear and avoid linking to more than 5–15 of its ideal most crucial pages.

Check your analytics to see which of your pages is most prominent; to determine which pages are most significant, compare the traffic to your content.

Pro tip: Increase the number of internal links connecting to a page to make it rank higher quickly! If you recently published a blog post that took you hours to write, for instance, go into your older entries and add links to the current post.

Choose your favoured domain

Any domain extension, such as or, is acceptable because it doesn’t conflict with SEO.

Yet because Google considers these to be distinct URLs, you must ensure that one of these may access your website.

You can select the desired domain by going to settings.

Then, your selected domain will then be redirected through the alternative domain version.

Also, you’ll validate that your website is secured with an SSL certificate and HTTPS.

Utilize an SEO plugin specifically designed for WordPress 

If you are new to WordPress, you might not be familiar with plugins. You can download these minuscule pieces of additional or supplemental software. Adding new qualities or features to websites is beneficial.

These plugins are in charge of many things, including greater search engine rankings. There are a lot of plugins that are described as enhancing or improving the SEO of the site.

Using a complete SEO plugin akin to Yoast SEO would yield even better results. These plugins are useful for providing certain, limited functions like building sitemaps.

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